Tuesday, March 28, 2006

spirit in the pencilbox

lessons were bullshit today every lesson passed so fast (:
" your wedges and earrings are so nice !" that earned us 16/20 xD hah.
the damn beetle followed me from home to school. wtf. opened my pencilbox and out it came. cheryl freaked.hoho
yay mom's coming back this thurs ! so damn fast. happy happy the house is so clean now . i spent 2 hrs cleaning up but i bet it'll get messed up by tmr.
chickenwings & satays i cant wait ;D

uh,my ears are always rotten. %$#$%

Monday, March 27, 2006

bugsbunny club

the day was spent doing nonsense. hah
the cuttlefish seaweed thingo is damn nice but it makes me how bloated.
there's something wrong with my nose. sinus suck.
im gonnaaaaa spring clean tmr xD surprise surprise mom.!

bbq/balcony/alumminium trays/sounds cool.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

#$^$$! im feeling extremly pissy now.
my room's like some dumping ground.
im really sleepy.
i cant find my bio 5yrs series!bio on mon and i bet ms t's gna !@##!&! at me.she thinks i talk too much.

awful. i feel like i have plenty to do but i dont know what.
its only 7pm. goodnight world.
i miss my mommaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

bitch i hate my mom.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

off to pw with rena today (: hah has been super super ultra long.
much fun it was. corn soup is yummy and i wanna drink that yogurt thing with jelly next time !
oh gosh im feeling hungry 24/7 something is wrong with meeeeeeeeeee.

ms swan is funny. hahah bunny says she not cute, she's sexy. hahah


dear buddy,
happy sweet 16. we love you! oh yes we do! (x
thanks for keeping secrets. i'll strangle your teitei if you ever leak them out.but i highly doubt that would ever happen eh cos you're the bestest test test buddy in the world :D

Monday, March 20, 2006

i cant stand not trng for such a long time. in fact, i kinda miss trng ):
i feel like drinking juice and i love banana nut crunch. crunch crunch (:
damn im super stressed. workload all piled up. to think i thought there werent much hol work to do.
i was wrong.

Friday, March 17, 2006

i thought we had so damn little hw but i was wrong.i was unaware that there were so many shits to do. omg sickening so much art and projects damn it and it's already friday and nothing has been done.
but i still wanna watch my fullhouse today first (:

Thursday, March 16, 2006

shit i didnt know art was today i thought it was yesterday ! mr j called and @^%$@ at me and he wanted to speak to mommy but mommy said she didnt want to speak to him. hah (:
i felt like one pathetic small shit listening to him rant. anyways i deserve it lah.

the past few days have been spent unproductively and thats sad.

mommy's telling me this stupid love story hahah so funny.

Monday, March 13, 2006

stella tan is one sick bitch

i was talking to stella online and she gave me that link.

haha yeah it's damn sick

let there be ♥. says:
im scared of cats !

that the woman stepped and killed one !

let there be ♥. says:
sick bitch ! im gonna tell the whole world that youre a sick bitchhhhh

but i like such stuff ha ha ha. it's like interesting

copypasted the important parts only. everyone knows that stella is one sick bitch (:

Saturday, March 11, 2006

hello good friend

ive got plenty plenty of art to dooo and i seriously hate my final piece. its so friggin ugly ):
yay my cousins are coming over today to stayyy (: they're super cute .

Friday, March 10, 2006

nanda is super sweet. as in really really sweet (:

chinese was really funny yesterday! we were laughing like mad over the "broken mirror" incident.
and please, i did not make the mirror crack okay ): hah super funny ;D
ive decided to go for the dinner tonight (: although i cant stand people staring, thinking ive gotten some disease!they might even think i got burned by an iron by my parents!
dinie told us about that bomoh thingo which was really scary !

i bought this pretty pretty card from prints the other day and i shall give it to liz since its her birthday ! ;D tell me im so niceeee.

isabel's teaching me math in out msn convo. hahah so cool. and she teaching me BASIC ALGEBRA. so embarrasing ive forgotten everything !

Sunday, March 05, 2006

marina bay was really crowded on friday.
kiapping big fat live prawns with chopsticks are fun. ;D

i just realised tuition at kc's place is fun.hah seriously he's hilarious at times. there was this super retarded incident !
there was no one when we came into the room so we waited and waited and waited
and while we were talking, suddenly he came out from the cupboard? hahah super retarded can and he said his cupboard leads to the garden like 'narnia' hahah.
and many many more super funny shites hahahah dont we al just love tuitions ;D